ForSite | Nutrient exchanges | Biomass Harvesting

Nutrients accumulate in living trees as they grow. Some are removed from the site when stems are harvested as timber. Larger amounts of nutrients will be removed if branches and needles are harvested.

Nutrient pools in harvestable biomass are calculated using nutrient concentrations of tissues, and mass. ForSite has developed a Specification for Estimating Biomass Fractions.

Nutrient pools in forest biomass
Sitka spruce, Yield Class 20, 35 years old, unthinned
Biomass N P K Ca Mg S
t/ha kg/ha
Stem wood 171 107 7 67 87 14 71
Stem bark 18 66 8 39 77 9 10
Branches 33 145 13 53 86 17 20
Needles 15 217 20 101 58 14 20
[image should be here]Biomass harvesting. Tree tops and branches are included in this material presented at roadside for chipping. This is a form of whole-tree harvest (WTH), and contrasts with conventional stem-only harvest (SOH) where only logs are removed from the forest.

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